Thursday, July 1, 2010

New stroller/ new teeth

Jamus has had a veritable explosion of new teeth. He has gotten 6 new teeth in the last 6 weeks, for a grand total of 8 teeth! You can see some of them in the 2nd pic. They're cute, but they have caused him considerable grief. One of the front ones caused a 103 temperature. Hopefully 8 is enough for now!


  1. Oh! The veritable tooth explosion!! That made me laugh a lot. Ruby is sticking with 3 teeth total... and perhaps a bit of a gap up top - very lovely.

    Miss you guys! Love you! Give Jamus a hug from Auntie Ambs!

  2. Nice stroller! We wanted that one (in a double) for both our girls, but then someone loaned us a double jogger...

    Poor guy - sorry it's been rough for him.

    How are you doing? Miss you! Wish we could bake bread together :)
